sábado, diciembre 13, 2008

Good vibrations

Había olvidado lo mucho (y más!) que me encanta esta canción, y que la tarareaba total el año pasado :) Además sale en Vanilla Sky (aunque no en momento preciso!). La escucharé en el avión más tarde puessss. chau beach boys. y también chau sport boys. chau boysboysboys.

Foto titulada: Lucía y la poca verguenza




Ahhh! I love the colorful clothes she wears, and the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
Ahhhhhh! i hear the sound of a gentle word, on the wind that lifts her perfume through the air.
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(oom bop bop good vibrations)
She's giving me excitations
(oom bop bop excitations)
Good,good,good,good vibrations
(oom bop bop)
She's giving me excitations
(oom bop bop excitations)
Good good good good vibrations
(oom bop bop)
She's giving me excitations
(oom bop bop excitations)
Close my eyes, she's somehow closer now, softly smile, i know she must be kind.
When i look in her eyes, she goes with me to a blossom world.
(aah my,my what elation)
I don't know where but she sends me there
(ah my,my what a sensation)
(ah my,my what elations)
(ah my,my what)
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations A happenin' with her
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations A happenin' with her
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations A happenin'
AaaahGood,good,good,good vibrations
(oom bop bop)
(Im pickin up good vibrations)
She's giving me excitations
(oom bop bop)
Good,good,good,good vibrations
(oom bop bop)
She's na na...
-The Beach Boys